If you have any questions you want answered, any feedback on current episodes or just want to say hello, then please get in touch on Submitaquestion.ClinicalSkills@ed.ac.uk.
Beyond the scrubs is a podcast brought to you by the clinical skills team at the university of Edinburgh medical school. The views expressed here are not the views of the university. We strive for our content to be as up to date as possible, however, always check your local guidelines and protocols.
From Elsbeth Dewhirst
In this episode we have Euan and Jennifer answer some quick fire questions about the new for 24/25 MLA (medical licencing assessment) exams. -
From Elsbeth Dewhirst
In this episode we talk to Katie, Lachlan, Lewis and Bethan to get their top tips on how medical students can get involved and make the most of their theatre placement. -
From Elsbeth Dewhirst
In this episode we talk to Will, who has just graduated, about his experiences with extra-curricular activities during his time at university. -
From Elsbeth Dewhirst
In this episode we are joined by final year student Will, to get his top tips on making the most of your clinical attachment. -
From Elsbeth Dewhirst
In this episode we discuss with a GP what can students do to get the most out of a GP placement. Clinical skill of the day: Urinalyisis Dipstick -
From Elsbeth Dewhirst
This episode explores the your first day on the ward and discusses what happens and what you can do. Clinical Skill of the day: Venepuncture -
From Elsbeth Dewhirst
A discussion about first days of placement, some useful tips and persona experiences. Skill of the day: Hand Hygiene -
From Maggie Frej
Discover the practical ins and outs of clinical assistantships and the transition to a foundation doctor with "Beyond the Scrubs." Hosted by clinical skills…