Search for tag: "anaemia"

Macrocytic Anaemia

An approach to macrocytic anaemia and its major causes - haematinic deficiency - haemolysis/reticulocytosis

From  Neill Storrar 0 likes 3,559 plays 0  

Microcytic anaemia

An overview of anaemia classification by red cell size, and an approach to microcytic anaemia and its main causes: iron deficiency and thalassaemia.

From  Neill Storrar 0 likes 4,069 plays 0  

Normocytic anaemia

A simple approach to normocytic anaemia and its main causes: anaemia of chronic disease, and bone marrow failure

From  Neill Storrar 0 likes 3,633 plays 0  

Sickle cell disease

Introduction to the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease for the Year 5 Haematology module.

From  Susan Baird 0 likes 3,625 plays 0