Search for tag: "fourier"

Exercise sheet Fourier series 1: Question 1a worked example

Worked example showing the calculation of the Fourier series of a periodic function

From  Daniel Friedrich 0 likes 76 plays 0  

Fourier's hieroglyphs, Jean Dhombres

This public lecture was part of the Fourier Analysis @200 workshop at ICMS. We were delighted to welcome speaker Jean Dhombres (École des hautes études en sciences sociales/ The School…

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Mateus Sousa - Recent developments in Fourier interpolation theory

A Young Researchers Symposium in Harmonic Analysis Mateus Sousa, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics 24 June 2022 This recording is in the process of being subtitled. This typically takes around…

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 21 plays 0  

The Mizohata--Takeuchi conjecture: an overview - Tony Carbery

Fourier Analysis @200 The Mizohata--Takeuchi conjecture: an overview Tony Carbery, University of Edinburgh 27 June 2022 This talk is being subtitled. This process typically takes around two…

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 160 plays 0  

Waves in Complex Continua (Wavinar) - Matthew King (University of Warwick)

Please click "CC" to turn subtitles off. 01 Mar 2022Matthew King, University of WarwickThe Hydrodynamic Instability in Quadratic Sheared Flow over Acoustic Linings

From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 25 plays 0  

Detecting LFM Parameters in Joint Communications and Radar Frequency Bands - Kaiyu Zhang

SSPD 2021 Poster Lightning Presentation SessionPresenter: Kaiyu ZhangPoster Title: Detecting LFM Parameters in Joint Communications and Radar Frequency BandsCollaborators: Fraser K Coutts and John…

From  Joe Burchell 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Christian Berg A unified view of covariance functions through Gelfand pairs

Applied matrix positivity Christian Berg A unified view of covariance functions through Gelfand pairs This recording is in the process of being subtitled. Subtitles will be available in due course.

From  Greg McCracken 0 likes 21 plays 0  

UK-APASI in Mathematical Sciences - CW (Kees) Oosterlee

Subtitles will be added soon. 24 May 2021 CW (Kees) Oosterlee, Pricing and calibration with neural networks in finance

From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 15 plays 0  

BMC BAMC 2021 Antony Maciocia

6-9 April, BMC BAMC 2021 This is the BMC Morning Talk by Antony Maciocia (Edinburgh). An Update on Moduli of Sheaves and Bridgeland Stability Conditions. This recording is subtitled. If you wish…

From  Anna Munro 0 likes 62 plays 0  

Lecture 3_LinearModulation_Part_1

Introduction to communication systems_Analogue Modulation_part1

From  Wasiu Popoola 0 likes 462 plays 0  

Topic 43: Perfect Sampling, Derivation of Sampling Theorem, and Adequate Sampling (SNADA, Chapter 8)

This Topic begins by discussing the mathematical model of perfect sampling, namely multiplying the signal (that is to be sampled) by an impulse train. Using this model, the Topic discusses how to…

From  James Hopgood 0 likes 415 plays 0  

Optional Topic 41: Fourier Transform of a Fourier Series (SNADA, Chapter 7)

This Topic reconciles the Fourier Series and Fourier Transform, by bringing the analysis techniques together through considering the Fourier Transform of a Fourier Series, using the definition of…

From  James Hopgood 1 likes 229 plays 0  

Lecture 2_Noise_Part_2

Introduction to Communication Systems_Noise_part2

From  Wasiu Popoola 0 likes 243 plays 0  

Topic 40: The Impulse Train and its Fourier Spectrum (SNADA, Chapter 7)

This Topic introduces the concept of the impulse train, a sequence of Dirac delta impulses, which can be used to perform regular sampling of a signal. The impulse train is fundamental to Nyquist…

From  James Hopgood 2 likes 1,144 plays 0  

Topic 0C: Mid-course recap and future directions.

This video provides a recap of what this course is considering, why it considered particular techniques, and what is coming up in terms of the signal analysis. The video describes the importance of…

From  James Hopgood 1 likes 143 plays 0  

Topic 37: Fourier Transform Properties: Parseval's Theorem for non-periodic Signals (Chapter 6)

This Topic revisits measuring the size of a signal, but rather than doing this in the time-domain, it is now considered in the frequency-domain. By considering the natural size of a signal's…

From  James Hopgood 1 likes 417 plays 0