Search for tag: "impairment"

Command and Control - Functional Neuroanatomy of Speech and Language

Command and Control - Functional Neuroanatomy of Speech and Language

From  Johnny Tam 0 likes 527 plays 0  

Command & Control - Delirium

Command & Control - Delirium

From  Johnny Tam 0 likes 410 plays 0  

AI and assistive technologies for the visually impaired

How might AI and smartphones change blind and partially sighted peoples’ lives? And how might blind and partially sighted people change AI and smartphones. Apps such as Microsoft’s…

From  Eric Laurier 0 likes 32 plays 0  

Conversations about CVI: Dr Kathleen Vancleef

Here Kathleen and I discuss assessment, validity, reliability, and some really cool tools she has and is developing for assessing CVI. Kathleen and I discuss how the brain structures visual…

From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 60 plays 0  

Principles of Neuropsychological Assessment- Why perform an assessment - with captions

Part 1 of Principles of Neuropsychological Assessment Lecture

From  Sharon Abrahams 0 likes 401 plays 0  

Conversations about CVI with Professor Marlene Behrmann, Ph.D

In this amazing chat Marlene and I talk about brain plasticity, voxels, assessment, and vision in children with different amounts of their brain removed. Her research with her colleagues as you will…

From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 47 plays 0  

Conversations about CVI with Professor Gordon Dutton : CVI and Autism

Here Professor Gordon Dutton and I start a conversation about autism and or cvi. Clearly this is a very large topic however which cannot be covered in this short 40 minute conversation. In this chat…

From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 225 plays 0  

Conversations about CVI with Professor Amanda Lueck.

In this conversation we talk about holistic assessments, the CVI profile and the newly developed companion guide. We discuss the uniqueness of each child's CVI and we start to discuss the issues…

From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 53 plays 0  

Conversation with Christine Roman-Lantzy

In this Conversations about CVI Dr Christine Roman and I talk about the history of the development of the range. The important part that parents have to play, and her future research.

From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 66 plays 0  

Conversations about CVI with Steph (Part 2)

We continue the conversation with Steph the next day - as we both felt that we had not completed all that we wanted to say.

From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Conversation about CVI with Stephanie

In this Conversation about CVI, Stephanie takes us on an emotional journey about getting a diagnosis of CVI for her son. In it we discuss the roles of professionals, the importance of children and…

From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Conversations about CVI with Matt Tietjen (TVI)

In this chat Matt talks about the "What's the Complexity?" framework and shows us how it can be used in mainstream general education classes. A wonderful example of how such a…

From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 159 plays 0  

Conversations about CVI with Dr Corinna Bauer

In this conversation Dr Bauer and myself talk a little about what it is like to be a brain scientist, her route to this, and what experiments are like in the fMRI scanners. We also towards the end…

From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 43 plays 0  

Conversations about CVI with Dr Linda Lawrence

In this "Chat about CVI" Dr Lawrence and I talk about assessment, definitions, some new technology and also about her work supporting agencies helping those with Zika virus.

From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Conversation about CVI with Professor Barry Kran

In this chat we talk about what exactly does an optometrist do, and more importantly how and what kind of things can help to assess a child with CVI that has complex additional support needs.…

From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 29 plays 0  

Conversations about CVI with Professor Gordon Dutton (Part 2)

In the second of this conversation Professor Dutton and I talk more about how vision and the brain helps us to move through 3D space and how the Dorsal and Ventral stream network. We also touch upon…

From  John Ravenscroft 0 likes 25 plays 0