Search for tag: "manipulation"

Workshop: Disinformation - Mapping the Lifecycle of Media Maniuplation

In this session, Dr. Joan Donovan demonstrates a case study approach to mapping the life cycle of media manipulation campaigns. This method seeks to analyze the order, scale and scope of manipulation…

From  Lisa Otty 0 likes 102 plays 0  

Quick Answer: Principles of a Manipulation Study

Quick answer to question in the forums about the principles of a Manipulation Study Please note, captions autogenerated

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From  Jill MacKay 0 likes 21 plays 0  

Professional Skills for GAFS (1) - Week 2 - Study Design Part 1/3

Professional Skills for Global Agri-Food Scientists 1. This is Part 1 of the Study Design Lecture. You should come to the discussion boards on the Professional Skills Learn course for more…

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From  Jill MacKay 0 likes 25 plays 0  

Medical Informatics - introduction

Medical Informatics introductory video presented by Dr. Areti Manataki, Senior Researcher in the School of Informatics

From  Andrew Pryde 1 likes 2,204 plays 0  

Ron Pethig: Manipulating cells

In this video Ron describes how cells can be selectively manipulated and sorted according to their intrinsic electrical properties, using gentle forces generated by applying radio frequency…

From  Billy Rosendale 0 likes 236 plays 0  

Kernels for SVMs

Kernels for SVMs

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From  Nigel Goddard 1 likes 2,859 plays 0