Search for tag: "neuropsychology"

Priniciples of Neuropsychology: How do we know if someone has a deficit _ with captions

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From  Sharon Abrahams 0 likes 54 plays 0  

Principles of Neuropsychological Assessment- Why perform an assessment - with captions

Part 1 of Principles of Neuropsychological Assessment Lecture

+3 More
From  Sharon Abrahams 0 likes 401 plays 0  

What is Neuropsychology with captions

Introduction to Course

From  Sharon Abrahams 0 likes 253 plays 0  

Prof. Sharon Abrahams - Mind Matters in Motor Neurone Disease

Professor Sharon Abrahams, Personal Chair in Neuropsychology, delivers her inaugural lecture entitled 'Mind Matters in Motor Neurone Disease'. In this lecture, Prof. Abrahams discusses her…

From  Stewart Cromar 0 likes 2,922 plays 0  

ECAS Demonstration Video

This video provides guidance on the administration of the Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS Screen (ECAS). The ECAS is a brief multidomain assessment originally designed for people with…

From  Stewart Cromar 0 likes 2,826 plays 0  

Euan MacDonald Centre: Research in a Nutshell 4 - Prof Sharon Abrahams

In this short video, Professor Sharon Abrahams tells us how her lab are helping to #BeatMND.

From  Rebecca Devon 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Inaugural Lecture Prof. Sharon Abrahams - Mind Matters in Motor Neurone Disease

Professor Sharon Abrahams, Personal Chair in Neuropsychology, delivers her inaugural lecture entitled Mind Matters in Motor Neurone Disease. In this lecture, Prof. Abrahams discusses her work…

From  Rebecca Devon 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Cognition In ALS, Measure For Measure

Nearly 50% of people with ALS by some estimates develop cognitive challenges. But these changes may be missed in many people with the disease. Now, University of Edinburgh neuropsychologist Sharon…

From  Rebecca Devon 0 likes 23 plays 0