Search for tag: "proton"

Lecture 22 - Principles of Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Physics

Lecture 22 - Principles of Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Physics

From  Arjun Berera 0 likes 46 plays 0  

DDC Session 4 Recording

Recording of session 4 of data-driven chemistry 2021-22

From  James Cumby 0 likes 40 plays 0  

REF2020: Martin Hentschinski- High energy factorization at NLO: forward Higgs production

REF2020: Martin Hentschinski- High energy factorization at NLO: forward Higgs production

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 10 plays 0  

REF2020: Alexei Prokudin- Polarized pion induced Drell-Yan and TMD factorization

REF2020: Alexei Prokudin- Polarized pion induced Drell-Yan and TMD factorization

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 14 plays 0  

REF2020: Yossathorn Tawabutr- Helicity at Small x: Oscillations and LLA Corrections

REF2020: Yossathorn Tawabutr- Helicity at Small x: Oscillations and LLA Corrections

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 4 plays 0  

REF2020: M. Gabriel Santiago- Lensing Mechanism Meets Small-x Physics: Single Transverse Spin Asymmetry in p↑+p and p↑+A Collisions

REF2020: M. Gabriel Santiago- Lensing Mechanism Meets Small-x Physics: Single Transverse Spin Asymmetry in p↑+p and p↑+A Collisions

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 8 plays 0  

REF2020: Daniel Adamiak- Small-x Helicity Phenomenology

REF2020: Daniel Adamiak- Small-x Helicity Phenomenology

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 6 plays 0  

REF2020: Luciano Pappalardo- Azimuthal single- and double-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic lepton scattering at HERMES

REF2020: Luciano Pappalardo- Azimuthal single- and double-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic lepton scattering at HERMES

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 2 plays 0  

REF2020: Shunzo Kumano- Structure functions for the spin-1 deuteron

REF2020: Shunzo Kumano- Structure functions for the spin-1 deuteron

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 10 plays 0  

REF2020: Pedro Augusto Agostini- Particle production beyond eikonal accuracy in dilute-dense CGC framework

REF2020: Pedro Augusto Agostini- Particle production beyond eikonal accuracy in dilute-dense CGC framework

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 7 plays 0  

REF2020: Haowu Duan- Entanglement, partial set of measurements, and diagonality of the density matrix in the parton model

REF2020: Haowu Duan- Entanglement, partial set of measurements, and diagonality of the density matrix in the parton model

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Rock Magnetism and Magnetic Anomalies

Introduction to Geophysics: Rock Magnetism and Magnetic Anomalies

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 145 plays 0  

REF2020: Yuri - Quark and gluon helicity distributions and OAM at small x

REF2020: Yuri - Quark and gluon helicity distributions and OAM at small x

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 12 plays 0  


Introduction to Geomagnetism Lecture 7 (Lecture 23 of Introduction to Geophysics)

From  Wyn Williams 0 likes 23 plays 0