Search for tag: "year 5"

Intro to OPB 2022-23

Introduction video to the OPB section of Year 5 MBChB

From  Neill Storrar 0 likes 197 plays 0  

Welcome Back Year 4 and 5 Civil Engineering Programme 2021

Welcome Back Year 4 and 5 Civil Engineering Programme 2021

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From  Ania Domagala 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Welcome Back Year 5 Chemical Engineering Programmes 2021

Welcome Back Year 5 Chemical Engineering Programmes 2021

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From  Ania Domagala 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Haematology Module Introduction 2020

This is a brief introduction to the haematology module, in view of the audio issues during the live stream session on 29/7/20.

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From  Neill Storrar 0 likes 107 plays 0  

Haemostasis 3 - Why we bleed

A basic overview of the reasons that people bleed, created for the Edinburgh Year 5 MBChB Heamatology course

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From  Neill Storrar 0 likes 1,803 plays 0  

Haemostasis 2 - Coagulation Tests

A basic overview of the simple tests of haemostasis created for the Edinburgh Year 5 MBChB Heamatology course

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From  Neill Storrar 0 likes 2,207 plays 0  

Haemostasis 1 - How we clot

A basic overview of the process of thrombosis created for the Edinburgh Year 5 MBChB Heamatology course

+22 More
From  Neill Storrar 0 likes 2,598 plays 0  

Design the ‘perfect’ blood cancer

The instructions for your group activity - making a case during Week 3 of the haematology teaching in preparation for the final tutorial in week 4

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From  Neill Storrar 0 likes 213 plays 0  

Neutropenic Sepsis Overview

A short video about neutropenic sepsis: - what it is - what do do (saves lives)

From  Neill Storrar 0 likes 991 plays 0  

Pseudomonas and Stenotrophomonas

A summary of some of the most prevalent and pathogenic infections encountered by patients during neutropenia. These infections illustrate the problems of drug resistance and antibiotic choice.

From  Neill Storrar 0 likes 793 plays 0  

Otology - History and Examination presentation

Otology - History and Examination presentation

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From  Judith Bryce 0 likes 548 plays 0