Search for tag: "prosthetics"

User-Centred Prosthetics Research

User-Centred Prosthetics Research

From  Kia Nazarpour 0 likes 36 plays 0  

Bio-engineer David Gow on developing protheses within and outside the NHS

Excerpt from oral history with bio-engineer David Gow (DG), interviewed for Lothian Health Services Archive by Carmen Hesketh (CH). Transcription: CH: “But in your opinion, what’s the…

From  Louise Williams 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Bio-engineer David Gow on patient experiences with protheses

Excerpt from oral history with bio-engineer David Gow (DG), interviewed for Lothian Health Services Archive by Carmen Hesketh (CH). Transcription: DG: “I wouldn’t like to say,…

From  Louise Williams 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Bio-engineer David Gow on artificial limbs for children and the PRODIGITS system

Excerpt from oral history with bio-engineer David Gow (DG), interviewed for Lothian Health Services Archive by Carmen Hesketh. Transcription: DG: “And if you took children’s’…

From  Louise Williams 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Bio-engineer David Gow talks about Kerry Emsley and the REACH hand

Excerpt from oral history with bio-engineer David Gow (DG), interviewed for Lothian Health Services Archive by Carmen Hesketh (CH). Transcription: CH: “I did have a question about someone…

From  Louise Williams 0 likes 18 plays 0