31:34duration 31 minutes 34 seconds
Angelika Schnieke: 'The sheep got the glory…
Angelika Schnieke: 'The sheep got the glory but now the pigs are doing the work'
From Kate McLeod
33:29duration 33 minutes 29 seconds
Shinya Yamanaka: 'Induction of Pluripotency…
Shinya Yamanaka: 'Induction of Pluripotency by Defined Factors'
35:44duration 35 minutes 44 seconds
Marc Van de Wetering: 'Modelling cancer in…
Marc Van de Wetering: 'Modelling cancer in Organoids'
33:05duration 33 minutes 5 seconds
Marius Wernig: 'Direct reprogramming between…
Marius Wernig: 'Direct reprogramming between somatic lineages'
26:49duration 26 minutes 49 seconds
Goetz Laible: 'Tailoring milk composition…
Goetz Laible: 'Tailoring milk composition for human needs with progressively improved genetic engineering strategies'
09:51duration 9 minutes 51 seconds
Dolly@20 Symposium - Slideshow
18:56duration 18 minutes 56 seconds
Sally Lowell: 'Unpredictability and…
Sally Lowell: 'Unpredictability and variability during differentiation of pluripotent cells'
20:49duration 20 minutes 49 seconds
Lissa Herron: 'Eggcellent therapeutics:…
Lissa Herron: 'Eggcellent therapeutics: chicken bioreactors for the production of pharmaceutical proteins'
38:34duration 38 minutes 34 seconds
Ian Wilmut: 'Dolly, the first clone of an…
Ian Wilmut: 'Dolly, the first clone of an adult animal'
20:26duration 20 minutes 26 seconds
Chris Proudfoot: 'Editing the livestock…
Chris Proudfoot: 'Editing the livestock genome'
26:20duration 26 minutes 20 seconds
Andrew Jackson: 'Microcephaly: a stem cell…
Andrew Jackson: 'Microcephaly: a stem cell disorder?'
19:48duration 19 minutes 48 seconds
Abdenour Soufi: 'Mechanistic Insights Into…
Abdenour Soufi: 'Mechanistic Insights Into Cell Fate Conversion'
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