SEBI - Mastitis in smallholder dairy cows

SEBI - Mastitis in smallholder dairy cows

Welcome to this series on mastitis in smallholder dairy cows brought to you by the University of Edinburgh. There are 11 videos in total:

  1. Introduction
  2. Good milking practice I - Hand milking
  3. Good milking practice II - Preparing for milking
  4. Good milking practice III - Checking for and treating mastitis
  5. Good milking practice IV - Teat dipping
  6. Milking management
  7. Dry cow therapy
  8. Cleaning and disinfecting milking equipment
  9. Hygiene in the shed? Let the cows tell you!
  10. Hygiene in the shed? Let the cows tell you! Scoring system
  11. California milk test (CMT)

Supporting Evidence-Based Interventions (SEBI) mobilises and applies data and evidence to help the livestock community make better investments that improve livelihoods for smallholders in low and middle-income countries.

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