Please share your feedback about these seminars and workshops here:
From Katie Nicoll Baines
The EDI Resource Bank 26th November 2020 Please share your feedback about the EDI Resource Bank STEMM CHANGE Dr Lucy Jones Dr Paul Holmes… -
From Katie Nicoll Baines
Designing interventions for more inclusive institutions: co-creation and challenges Evidence Base 25th November 2020 Dr Emily Porth @efporth Dr Jean O'Donoghue… -
From Katie Nicoll Baines
Enabling Academia: making UK HEIs more accessible Dr Jen Remnant, Disability Inclusive Science Careers, Heriot Watt University Vignettes used in… -
From Katie Nicoll Baines
Inclusive academic entrepreneurship: identifying and overcoming barriers to commercialising research 16th November 2020 Dr Heather Griffiths @FlexiblePhD Dr Charoula… -
From Katie Nicoll Baines
Inclusion Really Does Matter: Improving attitudes towards Gender Equality Initiatives among STEM academics 12th November 2020 Dr Lynn Farrell @LynnTFarrell… -
From Katie Nicoll Baines
Thinking strategically about your professional networks to overcome gender barriers in academic career 11th November 2020 Dr Carla Cebula @CarlaOnion visNET, University… -
From Katie Nicoll Baines
Understanding micro-aggressions project. Rayya Ghul @rayya_ghul Institute of Academic Development, University of Edinburgh Produced as part of Pop-Up Inclusion Matters… -
From Katie Nicoll Baines
Where are you joining us from? Introduction video for pop-up Inclusion Matters 2020 Follow us on twitter @evidenceBase_IM #InclusionMatters2020 Check out our website… -
From Katie Nicoll Baines
What works? Solutions to race and gender discrimination in STEM (presentation) 5th November 2020 Dr Udeni Salmon @ujsalmon Where are you joining… -
From Katie Nicoll Baines
STEM Equals: Creating Pathways to Inclusion in STEM 4th November 2020 @STEMEquals Dr Jessica Gagnon @Jess_Gagnon Dr Marco Reggiani… -
From Katie Nicoll Baines
What works? Solutions to race and gender discrimination in STEMQ&A Session5th November 2020 Dr Udeni Salmon @ujsalmon are you joining us… -
From Katie Nicoll Baines
Embedding Evaluation to find out what really works. Northern Power Inclusion Matters 3rd November 2020 Helen Cramman, Durham University,…