Search for tag: "high school"

Episode 2 - Climate optimism or fatalism: Teaching climate change in today's university

This podcast complements the University’s…

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From  Sarah Thomas 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Why we still need to talk about diversity in Physics - Dr. Jess Wade

Dr. Jess Wade is a physicist who, alongside being…

From  Ewan McAndrew 2 likes 458 plays 0  

Prof Gillingwater Inaugural Lecture Oct 2018

Recording of inaugural lecture Monday 29 October…

From  Nicholas Kelly 0 likes 404 plays 0  

Academic Skills 2018: End of Course Reflections

End of course reflections from the class of 2018.

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From  Alice Smith 0 likes 137 plays 0  

AS16 summary film

Academic Skills in the words of the Summer School…

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From  Alice Smith 0 likes 190 plays 0