Critical Thinking in Global Challenges

Critical Thinking in Global Challenges

From the University of Edinburgh with Professor Mayank Dutia and Dr Celine Caquineau

The videos in this playlist will give you the opportunity to better understand what critical thinking is, and to practice and enhance your critical thinking skills. To do so, we will use the context of some important global challenges that affect us all, and to which we have no clear “correct” solutions: for example, the risk and spread of serious infectious diseases in epidemics in modern societies, the implications of increasing human population on global resources, energy, environment and climate, and the challenges of human health and wellbeing in the modern world. Possible solutions to global issues such as these are hotly debated, and give the perfect setting to practice recognizing and evaluating facts, ideas, opinions and arguments.

These videos are free open resources originally created for the short course, Critical Thinking in Global Challenges.

If the course is not currently running, you can still work through the resources in your own time using the videos in this playlist. 

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