Search for tag: "accessible"

Accessibility in Design

Accessibility legend, Viki Galt gives us a whistlestop tour through best accessibility practice in design, covering font usage, the dreaded pdf, captioning and much much more... Join the…

From  Ann Harrison 0 likes 74 plays 0  

Online learning: using the library resources

Four online students talk about accessing the University's online library resources. It's not difficult and you can even connect your Google Scholar search to the University library…

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From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 1 likes 481 plays 0  

Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health online masters: Anthony Adeea Mba - student testimonial

Anthony from Ghana studies part-time while working as a research assistant with Mampam Conservation. Join our online community:…

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From  Lauren Johnston-Smith 0 likes 1,494 plays 0  

Why education students should use the Careers Service by Suzanne Agnew

Why education students should use the Careers Service by Suzanne Agnew

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From  Lucy Roddie 0 likes 50 plays 0  

Student Perspectives on Lecture Recording

Student perspectives on lecture recording from August 2018.

From  Brendan Hill 0 likes 88 plays 0  

Seren Davies: Accessibility is more than just supporting screenreaders

All too often we think about accessibility as just meeting the needs of those who rely on screenreaders, but it's far wider than that! Seren will explore how people with cognitive, physical,…

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From  Marissa Cummings 1 likes 32 plays 0  

Six in six minutes - 3 students and 3 staff discuss Wikipedia in the Classroom at the University of Edinburgh

Contributors include:Karoline Nanfeldt - 4th year Psychology undergraduate student. Tomas Sanders - 4th year History undergraduate student. Aine Kavanagh - Senior Hons. Reproductive Biology student.…

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From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 161 plays 0  

Preparing for lecture recording: Accessibility

This recording is from the training sessions for Media Hopper Replay and focuses on the design and accessibility of teaching materials, in recorded lectures.

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From  Charlie Farley 1 likes 213 plays 0