Search for tag: "biology"

3MT Final 2024 - Isolde Marsland

University of Edinburgh Three Minute Thesis Competition Final 2024 Finalist - Isolde Marsland School - School of Chemistry Presentation - Bact-eries: Using microbes to close the loop of battery…

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From  Louise McKay 0 likes 33 plays 0  

3MT Final 2024 - Marifatul Amalia

University of Edinburgh Three Minute Thesis Competition Final 2024 Finalist - Marifatul Amalia School - Moray House School of Education and Sport Presentation - Mind the gap: Understanding…

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From  Louise McKay 0 likes 51 plays 0  

Primate Evolution with Dr Katerina Guschanski

In this first episode of a two-parter with Dr Katerina Guschanski, Neelakshi Varma finds out about the intricacies and quirks of primate evolution, specifically around guenon monkeys. We also learn…

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From  Liz Gaberdiel 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Studying cancer biology online

Rachel is a student on the online Cancer Biology and Precision Oncology masters programme at The University of Edinburgh. This cutting-edge MSc programme launched in 2022. Since then, students from…

From  Mabon Elis 0 likes 220 plays 0  

Student feedback on Wikipedia in the Curriculum assignments

Lorna Campbell, OER Services at University of Edinburgh, and Ewan McAndrew, Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh, present student feedback from 7 years' of Wikipedia in the…

From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 6 plays 0  

PhD student story: Finding support and overcoming homesickness

Ankita is from India and her PhD is in Cell Biology. She talks about the incredible support she’s received from her supervisor, lab colleagues and friends and how she manages being so far from…

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From  Lisa Marley 0 likes 39 plays 0  

iGEM2022 Petalution - How to clean our water using synthetic biology

In this very special episode, we hear from Dev, Charity, and Diana, who are part of a team competing in this years’ iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) competition. Students…

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From  Liz Gaberdiel 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Spore Wars - Microbial biotechnology in space

In this episode, Rose Doyle (@RoseDoyle_) talks to Dr Rosa Santomartino (@RosaBiorosa) of the UK Centre for Astrobiology (@UKAstrobiology) about her research that’s “out of this…

From  Liz Gaberdiel 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Using Biology to Treat Biology - Dr. Adam Mol

Using Biology to Treat Biology - Dr. Adam Mol

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From  Juan Martos Diaz 8 likes 152 plays 0  

Biology Without the Wells with Dr Nadanai Laohakunakorn

In this episode, Louis and Liz chat to Dr Nadanai Laohakunakorn about his journey from a background in physics to now leading a group in synthetic biology. He describes how he adapted his thinking…

From  Liz Gaberdiel 0 likes 13 plays 0  

3 case studies of Wikipedia in the Curriculum at University of Edinburgh

This presentation for the University of Edinburgh's Digital Skills Festival was held on 30th May 2022 and showcases exemplars of how staff and students at the University of Edinburgh have…

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From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Psychoacoustic explorers: turning proteins into sounds with Edward Martin

In this episode, Rose Doyle (@RoseDoyle_) talks to BioPOD alumnus and PhD student Eddie Martin (@Sonifyed). They discuss different ways of visualising protein structures and how sound can help us get…

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From  Liz Gaberdiel 0 likes 81 plays 0  

Why 'Informatics', not just 'Computer Science'?

Why do we call ourselves the School of Informatics rather than the School of Computer Science? Our Director of Learning and Teaching expands on how Informatics is an exciting and multi-disciplinary…

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From  Informatics at Edinburgh 0 likes 726 plays 0  

Rethinking Embryonic Germ Layers

Val Wilson and Elena Tzouanacou discuss their interests in mammalian cell lineages and how they came to identify one such lineage that violates a strict assumption of germ-layer segregation, as…

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From  Jillian Hosie 0 likes 276 plays 0  

Episode 3 - Lana Zholudeva and Michael Lane

In this episode of the NECTAR 2021 podcast, Lana Zholudeva, a Postdoctoral Scholar at Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco and Michael Lane, an associate professor in the Department of Neurobiology…

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From  Stevie Bain 0 likes 50 plays 0  

Frits Veerman, University of Leiden

This recording is in the process of being subtitled. We aim to have edited captions available within 2 weeks of publishing.Title: Mechanochemical pattern formation: a crossover between analysis,…

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From  Greg McCracken 0 likes 15 plays 0