Search for tag: "edsign"

Interweaving Deaf and Hearing Cultural Practices in Performance Processes, by Michael Richardson

Interweaving Deaf and Hearing Cultural Practices in Performance Processes, by Michael Richardson EdSign Lecture 30.01.2019

From  Nelly Iacobescu 0 likes 62 plays 0  

Telling it like it is - families raising deaf children while living on a low income, by Rachel O'Neill & Jo Bowie

Telling it like it is: families raising deaf children while living on a low incomeRachel O'Neill and Jo BowieEdsign lecture

From  Nelly Iacobescu 0 likes 87 plays 0  

EdSign Seminar | Dr Heather Mole & Chris Tester "Interpreters as machines, cultural facilitators or allies?"

Dr Heather Mole & Chris Tester in conversation "Interpreters as machines, cultural facilitators or allies?" EdSign Seminar 20th November 2018

From  Nelly Iacobescu 0 likes 185 plays 0  

EdSign | Gary Morgan "Variations in early exposure to language: consequences for phonology and working memory"

Gary Morgan "Variations in early exposure to language: consequences for phonology and working memory" Gary Morgan is Professor of Psychology at City University, London. Here is his…

From  Nelly Iacobescu 1 likes 258 plays 0  

Variations in early exposure to language

Variations in early exposure to language: consequences for phonology and working memory. EdSign session recorded at Moray House, Edinburgh on 22nd October 2018.

From  Nelly Iacobescu 0 likes 23 plays 1  

Cross-Cultural Interactions in the Context of Teaching Brazilian Sign Language as Second Language in Pre-School

Cross-Cultural Interactions in the Context of Teaching Brazilian Sign Language as Second Language in Pre-School Anna Gill Prieto Master's Research Project Session filmed on 17th May 2018

From  Nelly Iacobescu 1 likes 25 plays 0  

Deaf Children Create Their Own Language

Deaf Children Create Their Own Language The Birth Of Nicaraguan Sign Language Present by Molly Flaherty EdSign Lecture Tuesday 24 April 2018

From  Nelly Iacobescu 0 likes 174 plays 0  

World's First Deaf Dr Doolittle

Lecture delivered on 12 December 2017

From  Nelly Iacobescu 1 likes 22 plays 0  

EDSIGN - evening seminar - 11-10-2017

EDSIGN - evening seminar - 11-10-2017

From  Nelly Iacobescu 1 likes 48 plays 0