Search for tag: "fractional steps"

Partial Differential Equations Lecture 9 - Results

Here we look in detail at the results from the test problem and discuss dispersive and dissipative errors.

From  David Ingram 0 likes 154 plays 0  

Partial Differential Equations Lecture 9 - MacCormack method in 2D

This part of the lecture develops a 2D solver using the method of Fractional Steps and the MacCormack scheme and applies it to a test problem

From  David Ingram 0 likes 440 plays 0  

Partial Differential Equations Lecture 9 - Two and three dimensional solvers

In this lecture we look at operator splitting and the method of fractional steps which can be used to solve 2 and 3D problems with 1D schemes.

From  David Ingram 0 likes 287 plays 0