Search for tag: "guinea pig"

Guinea Pig Handling - Tipping to Sex

One hand under thorax and one hand lifting rump. Tip the guinea pig backwards slowly until their spine is resting against the front of your body. They must not be tipped back further than vertical.…

From  Leah Muirhead 0 likes 366 plays 0  

Guinea Pig Handling - Holding in to Body

Demonstrating a secure hold if it was necessary to transport a guinea pig across the room. Simply hold in to your body with two hands, or allow to sit on your forearm as shown.

From  Leah Muirhead 0 likes 381 plays 0  

Guinea Pig Handling - Removing from Carrier on Table

Always use two hands. Top-opening carriers are preferred. Support thorax with one hand and rump with other hand. Lift calmly and confidently. Place on table and keep hands on at all times. If you are…

From  Leah Muirhead 0 likes 362 plays 0  

Guinea Pig Handling - Removing from Carrier on Floor

Always use two hands. Top-opening carriers are preferred. Support thorax with one hand and rump with other hand. Lift calmly and confidently. Hold in to your body whilst travelling to the consult…

From  Leah Muirhead 0 likes 379 plays 0  

Clinical Club 6th April - Jenna Richardson - Guinea Pigs in General Practice - What you need to know!

Clinical Club 6th April - Jenna Richardson, Senior Lecturer in Rabbit, Exotic Animal and Wildlife Medicine and Surgery - Guinea Pigs in General Practice - What you need to know!

From  Laura Wardrop 1 likes 121 plays 0