Search for tag: "jam"

Board Game Jam OER - Apocalypse Later

Apocalypse Later created by University of Edinburgh students Luise Kocaurek, Nikolay Slavov, Rishikesh Sinha, Siqi Li. The game itself has been created as an Open Educational Resource under Creative…

From  Charlie Farley 0 likes 78 plays 0  

Board Game Jam OER - Mythical Continents

Mythical Continents created by University of Edinburgh students Sabrina, Serene, Johan & Enrique. The game itself has been created as an Open Educational Resource under Creative Commons…

From  Charlie Farley 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Board Game Jam OER - Mouse Hunt

Mouse Hunt created by University of Edinburgh students Rodia Krassa, Imogen Morris, Simon Rovder. The game itself has been created as an Open Educational Resource under Creative Commons Attribution…

From  Charlie Farley 0 likes 36 plays 0  

Board Game Jam OER -Cultured AI (AI for Art)

Cultured AI created by University of Edinburgh students Hein Htet Aung, Kim Choi, Mahmoud Abbas. The game itself has been created as an Open Educational Resource under Creative Commons Attribution…

From  Charlie Farley 0 likes 47 plays 0