Search for tag: "jmicawe"

Sheep - neonates

You can access the full suite of videos and other resources from Subtitles Checked - August 2020

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From  Louise Connelly 0 likes 46 plays

Chickens Layers - Juveniles

You can access the full suite of videos and other resources from Subtitles Checked - August 2020

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From  Louise Connelly 0 likes 39 plays

3Rs Animal Welfare Day - Francoise Wemelsfelder (SRUC).

3Rs Animal Welfare Day - Francoise Wemelsfelder (SRUC). Animal Sentience: Implications for understanding animal welfare Powerpoint

From  Katherine Curnow 0 likes 54 plays

3Rs Animal Welfare Day - Marie Haskell (SRUC) .

3Rs Animal Welfare Day - Marie Haskell (SRUC) . Face-to-face: Goats can interpret facial expressions of other goats Powerpoint Video

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From  Katherine Curnow 0 likes 28 plays

3Rs Animal Welfare Day - Belinda Vigors (SRUC) .

3Rs Animal Welfare Day - Belinda Vigors (SRUC) . What are the positives? Exploring farmers' perspectives of positive animal welfare. Powerpoints

+6 More
From  Katherine Curnow 0 likes 29 plays

3Rs Animal Welfare Day - Alistair Lawrence (SRUC/Roslin Institute).

3Rs Animal Welfare Day - Alistair Lawrence (SRUC/Roslin Institute). What is so positive about positive animal welfare? Powerpoints

From  Katherine Curnow 0 likes 35 plays

3Rs Animal Welfare Day - Vincent Bombail (INRA/Roslin Institute)

3Rs Animal Welfare Day - Vincent Bombail (INRA/Roslin Institute) Exploring the biology of positive emotions using the rat tickling model Powerpoints

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From  Katherine Curnow 0 likes 29 plays

3Rs Animal Welfare Day - Matt Leach (Newcastle University)

3Rs Animal Welfare Day - Matt Leach (Newcastle University) Advances in assessing emotional aspect of pain Powerpoints

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From  Katherine Curnow 0 likes 32 plays

Dog Welfare Programme

The Jeanne Marchig International Animal Welfare Centre (JMICAWE) Credit: Tim Askew

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From  Louise Connelly 0 likes 297 plays