Search for tag: "jupyterhub"

nbgrader: A Tool for Creating and Grading Assignments in the Jupyter Notebook - Dr Jess Hamrick

As part of the University of Edinburgh Jupyter Showcase Dr Jess Hamrick was invited to give an overview of the nbgrader extension. nbgrader allows you to create notebook-based assignments that allow…

From  James Slack 1 likes 117 plays 0  

Nicolas Thiery - Université Paris-Sud

As part of the University of Edinburgh Jupyter community event Nicolas Thiéry from Université Paris Sud discusses the benefits of using Jupyter for education and shares best practice…

From  James Slack 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Welcome to event and Introduction to Jupyter & Noteable (James Slack

James Slack kick off the Jupyter in Education Seminar Series, organised as part of the Jupyter Community Event funded by Bloomberg. As well as giving an overview of the talks included in the series…

From  James Slack 0 likes 65 plays 0  

Student Guide to using Noteable for Assingments

Use this quick guide to learn how to fetch, work on and submit assignments using the Noteable service.

From  James Slack 0 likes 1,001 plays 0  

[EDINA Labs] Deploying JupyterHub to the Cloud

Workshop with Ben Butchart & Ruben Gamez at EDINA on 18/05/2016

From  Dimitrios Angelakos 0 likes 115 plays 0