Search for tag: "mbchb curriculum"

Capillary Blood Glucose Measurement Pre session presentation

Essential theory relating to measurement of capillary blood glucose measurement

From  Lorraine Close 0 likes 526 plays 0  

CPE July

Microbite on Carbapenemase producer enterobacteriaceae

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From  Olga Moncayo 0 likes 131 plays 0  

Inflammatory bowel disease

Follow this case to learn some of the main points regarding inflammatory bowel disease.

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From  Ross Mckean 0 likes 55 plays 0  

The abdominal examination

This video describes the steps necessary for performing an abdominal examination. It does NOT cover the technique of things such as how to palpate the abdomen properly or assess for organomegaly;…

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From  Ross Mckean 0 likes 202 plays 0  

Pre-Prescribing video 2016

From  Effie Dearden 1 likes 337 plays 0  


A quickstart guide to getting the best from your clinical attachments at the University of Edinburgh Medical School.

From  Lorraine Close 0 likes 815 plays 0  

Emergency Care, Clinical and Resuscitation Skills (ECCARS programme theme 8)

This short video is a very brief introduction to the ECCARS theme. You can find more detailed information at the following link…

From  Lorraine Close 0 likes 280 plays 0  

MBChB Curriculum - Talk for Open Days 2016

This 19min talk gives an overview of UG and PG training in the UK, a very brief history of Edinburgh medical school, its high aspriations for its students and graduates, and the reasons for…

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From  Helen Cameron 0 likes 549 plays 0