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Topic 76: Frequency-domain analysis of input-output statistics (PETARS, Chapter 10)

This video gives a comprehensive overview of using a frequency-domain analysis technique for evaluating the input-output statistics of a linear time-invariant system with a wide-sense stationary…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 145 plays 0  

Topic 75: Difference Equation Analysis of Input-Output Time-Domain Statistics (PETARS, Chapter 10)

This topic considers extending previous topics on calculating the input-output statistics of a linear time-invariant (LTI) system in response to a wide-sense stationary (WSS) process at the…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 108 plays 0  

Topic 73: Application of Cross-Correlation to System Identification

This video introduces the important signal processing application of system identification; identifying the system impulse response or transfer function through measurements. The video highlights…

From  James Hopgood 0 likes 564 plays 0  

Topic 72: Time-Domain Analysis of Response to Random Signals using the System Impulse Response (PETARS, Chapter 10)

This video looks at the method for calculating the output statistics for a linear time-invariant (LTI) system in response to a wide-sense stationary (WSS) input using a time-domain method given…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 175 plays 0  

Topic 71: Introduction to System Response to Random Signals (PETARS, Chapter 10)

This Topic introduces the concept of calculating the stochastic process at the output of a known deterministic system, given a stochastic process at the input of the system. This concept is…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 181 plays 0  

Topic 70: Cross-Power and Complex Spectral Densities (PETARS, Chapter 9)

This Topic extends the definition of the power-spectral density in two ways. First, it considers the cross-power spectral density (CPSD) for considering the spectral characteristics of…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 255 plays 0  

Topic 69: Definition and Properties of the Power-Spectral Density (PETARS, Chapter 9)

This video presents the formal definition of the power-spectral density (PSD) of a wide-sense stationary (WSS) process, and its inverse relationship, both through discrete-Time Fourier Transform…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 441 plays 0  

Topic 68: Concept of the Power Spectral Definition and its Origins (PETARS, Chapter 9)

This video introduces the frequency-domain description of stationary processes, through the equivalent but conceptually different ideas of stochastic decompositions and Fourier transforms of moments…

From  James Hopgood 0 likes 423 plays 0  

Topic 67: Brief Introduction to Markov Processes (PETARS, Chapter 8)

This video gives a very brief introduction to the powerful Markov model for random processes. It considers in detail the first-order Markov process, deriving the joint-probability density…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 165 plays 0  

Topic 66: Joint Signal Statistics and Correlation Matrices (PETARS, Chapter 8)

This video starts to wrap up the Chapter on Stochastic processes by looking at joint signal statistics, such as cross-correlation and cross-covariance, uncorrelated pairs of random processes, and…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 138 plays 0  

Topic 65: Time Averages and Ergodicity (PETARS, Chapter 8)

This Topic introduces the notion of estimating statistical averages from a single realisation of a stochastic process. This concept is most easily developed for estimating first and second…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 354 plays 0  

Topic 64: Wide-sense periodic, wide-sense cyclo-stationary, and quasi-stationary processes (PETARS, Chapter 8)

This video considers a wider class of nonstationary processes that share some similarities with wide-sense periodic processes. Such nonstationary processes occur in systems where, for example,…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 333 plays 0  

Topic 63: Properties of Autocorrelation sequences for WSS processes (PETARS, Chapter 8)

Second-order statistics are fundamental to the definition of wide-sense stationary (WSS) processes, and this video considers the properties that a WSS autocorrelation sequence (ACS) must satisfy.…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 464 plays 0  

Topic 62: Stationary and WSS processes (PETARS, Chapter 8)

This video starts by considering the common types and definitions of stationary processes used in time-series analysis. This topic then considers meanings and relationships of order-N,…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 254 plays 0  

Topic 61: Important Types of Stochastic Processes (PETARS, Chapter 8)

This video discusses some fundamental types of stochastic processes, including predictable processes, unpredictable processes, independent and independent and identically distributed processes,…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 258 plays 0  

Topic 59: Introduction to Stochastic Processes (PETARS, Chapter 8)

In this first video of the Statistical Signal Processing part of the PETARS course, the notion of random signals, or stochastic processes is introduced. It is defined as a natural extension to…

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From  James Hopgood 0 likes 285 plays 0