05:20duration 5 minutes 20 seconds
Lecture 4 Part 3: State space models
In this part of the lecture we look at how state-space models can be used to solve higher order differential equations using the method for systems of equations.
47:44duration 47 minutes 44 seconds
How to Edit Wikipedia - unabridged version
How to Edit Wikipedia - unabridged version 2018 tutorial including how to navigate your way round a page.
13:51duration 13 minutes 51 seconds
AstroTech - Space - Rockets, spacecraft and orbits
This project was created by the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh.
14:18duration 14 minutes 18 seconds
Artificial Intelligence Planning - Brad Clement -…
Artificial Intelligence Planning - Brad Clement - AI Planning for space
This project was created by the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.
03:45duration 3 minutes 45 seconds
Artificial Intelligence Planning - AI planning…
Artificial Intelligence Planning - AI planning for space
05:18duration 5 minutes 18 seconds
Artificial Intelligence Planning - Globe…
Artificial Intelligence Planning - Globe Sensemaker