Search for tag: "sspd2020"

Narrowband Angle of Arrival Estimation Exploiting Graph Topology and Graph Signals

Narrowband Angle of Arrival Estimation Exploiting…

From  Maddy McBeath 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Dual function radar-communication systems

Dual function radar-communication systemsAthina…

From  Maddy McBeath 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Robust depth imaging in adverse scenarios using single-photon Lidar and beta-divergences

Robust depth imaging in adverse scenarios using…

From  Maddy McBeath 0 likes 8 plays 0  

One Click At A Time: Photon- And Electron-Level Modeling For Improved Imaging, Vivek Goyal, University of Boston

Academic Keynote Speaker, One Click At A Time:…

+20 More
From  Maddy McBeath 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Multimodal Learning for Early Detection of Explosive Sounds using Relative Spectral Distribution

Multimodal Learning for Early Detection of…

From  Maddy McBeath 0 likes 46 plays 0  

Detection and Identification of Radar Waveforms in Electronic Warfare

Detection and Identification of Radar Waveforms…

From  Maddy McBeath 0 likes 77 plays 0