Football: More Than A Game

Football: More Than A Game

From the University of Edinburgh Moray House School of Education and Sport with Grant Jarvie

Whether you love it, hate it or try to ignore it – join us as we go behind the scenes to examine why football is more than just a game. This online course looks beyond the pitch, to explore football’s role in society and possibly a community near you.

You will cover some of the top football clubs, grass-roots football projects, the FIFA World Cup, and the Homeless World Cup. Anybody interested in football and its place in the world is welcome to join this course. We recommend a broad interest in football as a contemporary phenomenon.

These videos are free open resources originally created for the short course, This video is featured on the short online course Football: More than a Game.

If the course is not currently running, you can still work through the resources in your own time using the videos in this playlist. 

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