Search for tag: "history"

Book Launch: Pedro Feitoza’s Propagandists of the Book (OUP 2024)

On September 30, 2024, the Centre held a book launch for Pedro Feitoza’s first book, Propagandists of the Book, published in 2024 through Oxford University Press. Panelists included the author,…

From  Alex Chow 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Women in Revolt: Lynsey Young

Women in Revolt: Lynsey Young

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From  Susan Mowatt 0 likes 23 plays

How to embed a Media Hopper Create video in EdWeb

In this video, you'll learn how to obtain an embed code for a Media Hopper Create video and then embed it within a University web page on EdWeb 2.

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From  Andy Todd 0 likes 0 plays 0  

OPENspace Seminar - Sijie (John) Wang 25.11.2024

Landscape Character-based Solution: Developing Sustainable Responses to Landscape Dynamics in the Pearl River Delta

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From  Roxanne Wong 0 likes 25 plays 0  

One Health Series: Calvin Schwabe's 'One Health' Veterinary Curriculum

Lecture by Andrew Gardiner

From  Charlotte Gresham 0 likes 1 plays 0  

QCTiP Day 1.11 D Jennings v2

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From  Ramin Jafarzadegan 0 likes 3 plays 0  

History of Witchcraft in Edinburgh - a walking tour

Ellie Whitehead, MScR researcher at the University of Edinburgh, on the new 18 stop walking tour of locations in Edinburgh related to the Scottish witch trials.Recorded at the Edinburgh Futures…

From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 6 plays 0  

In Search of Scotland's Accused Witches

Professor Julian Goodare, Director of the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft (2003) and Emeritus Professor of History at the University of Edinburgh at the Edinburgh Futures Institute on 23rd October 2024.

From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Map of Accused Witches in Scotland - User Guide

A user guide to the map of accused witches in Scotland website, showing how to use all the new features and the different pages across the website. Research, explore and find out about the individual…

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From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Inaugural Lecture of Professor Alex Thomson - Constructing Scotland: Devolution and Cultural History

Contemporary Scottish cultural debate has been significantly shaped by socioeconomic and political changes, and artistic and intellectual realignments, which occurred during the last two decades of…

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From  John Glendinning 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Forest and peatland programme: Logie Homestead archaeology dig

Dr Murray Cook, Stirling Council Archaeologist, discusses the discovery of historic cultivation terraces unearthed by local volunteers. Logie Homestead is a monument of national importance and is…

From  Alexandra Kuklinski 0 likes 29 plays 0  

Why is it important to Learn about the Scottish Witch Trials? | Professor Julian Goodare

An interview about the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft with Professor Julian Goodare at the University of Edinburgh on 26th September 2024.

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From  Ruby Imrie 0 likes 3 plays 0  

What Was the Motivation for Creating the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft? | Professor Julian Goodare

An interview about the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft with Professor Julian Goodare at the University of Edinburgh on 26th September 2024.

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From  Ruby Imrie 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Introduction to the Library - HCA (online and distance learners)

An introduction to the University Library for new online and distance postgraduate and PhD students in the School of History, Classics, Archaeology (HCA), 2024/25. - Introduction - Accessing library…

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From  Caroline Stirling 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Data: Students

Students share their thoughts and experiences of using data at university.

From  Juliet Conway 0 likes 38 plays 0  

Walking in the footsteps of Scotland's accused witches

Recorded at the Edinburgh Futures Institute on 23rd October 2024. - Professor Julian Goodare on "In search of Scotland's accused witches" (5.00 to 14.45) - Ellie Whitehead on the…

+21 More
From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 5 plays 0