Search for tag: "#digitaleducation"

Infrastructuring Bio-Edu-Data Science

Dr Ben Williamson, Centre for Research in Digital Education This event took place on 7th June 2023Abstract Technological transformations in molecular genomics have begun to affect knowledge…

From  Claire Sowton 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Education, platformization and the semblance of choice

This event took place on 29th June 2023Professor Tel Amiel, University of BrasiliaAbstractThere is now significant analysis and research on the many issues that have emerged through 'big…

From  Claire Sowton 0 likes 95 plays 0  

Refugee Participation in higher education in Uganda: the nexus of brokers, barriers, and the digital.

This event took place on 21st June 2023 Dr Rovincer Najjuma, Makerere UniversityDr Rebecca Nambi, Makerere UniversityDr Michael Gallagher, University of EdinburghAbstractThis seminar will detail a…

From  Claire Sowton 0 likes 25 plays 0  

Tilting at windmills: Don Quixote as a metaphor for the relationship between generative AI and educational assessment

This event took place on 15th June 2023.Dr Carlo Perrotta, University of MelbourneAbstractIn this paper, I tentatively draw on Foucault’s work on the historical analysis of knowledge (Foucault,…

From  Claire Sowton 0 likes 231 plays 0  

'Alexa doesn’t have that many feelings’: Children’s understanding of AI through interactions with smart speakers in their homes

Professor Judy Robertson and Dr Valentina Andries, Centre for Research in Digital EducationThis event took place on 25th May 2023Event slidesLink to publicationGet in touch if you would like to…

From  Claire Sowton 0 likes 112 plays 0  

Digital University Network event: Sociotechnical imaginaries in education

This event took place on 27th April 2023 and was co-hosted with the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) as part of the Digital University Network. This recording contain presentations…

From  Claire Sowton 0 likes 89 plays 0  

Reimagining universities: speculative scenarios for higher education

Professor Sian Bayne, Dr Michael Gallagher, Dr Jen Ross, Centre for Resarch in Digital Education This event took place on 18th May 2023 AbstractProfessor Sian Bayne, Dr Michael Gallagher and Dr Jen…

From  Claire Sowton 0 likes 108 plays 0