Search for tag: "breeding"

Data-driven KPIs for the pig sector

by Prof Rick D'Eath | for 'The power of data for farm animal practice' course Course website:

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From  Charlotte Gresham 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Farmer Spotlight: Sean and Chloe Barker

An interview with Sean and Chloe Barker about data in farming Course website:

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From  Charlotte Gresham 0 likes 108 plays 0  

Data-driven breeding

by Dr Nicola Lambe | SRUC Hills and Mountain Research Centre 'The Power of Data in Farm Animal Practice' Course Course website:

From  Charlotte Gresham 0 likes 35 plays 0  

Animal Breeding Programme with AlphaSimR - Part 2

This vignette shows how to simulate a bit more realistic animal breeding programme with overlapping generations and different selection intensities in males and females. (Part 2)

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From  Geoff Fortescue 0 likes 45 plays 0  

Plant Breeding

This vignette will show how to simulate the wheat breeding programme described in Gaynor et al. (2017). In this breeding programme, there are several stages in a breeding cycle and several breeding…

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From  Geoff Fortescue 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Animal Breeding Programme with AlphaSimR - Part 1

This vignette shows how to simulate a bit more realistic animal breeding programme with overlapping generations and different selection intensities in males and females. (Part 1)

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From  Geoff Fortescue 0 likes 55 plays 0  

Genomic selection in plant breeding

The following audio recording is delivered by Chris Gaynor, a senior data scientist at Bayer Crop Science. While working at The Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, he developed the AlphaSimR package and…

From  Geoff Fortescue 0 likes 35 plays 0  

Serap Gonen Interview

MOWI works with oceans to produce nutritious, delicious, and supreme-quality seafood. They fulfil one fifth of global demand for farm-raised Atlantic salmon and are constantly driven by innovation…

+19 More
From  Geoff Fortescue 0 likes 64 plays 0  

Giovanny Eduardo Covarrubias-Pazaran interview

CGIAR's Excellence in Breeding (EiB) is accelerating the modernisation of crop breeding programmes targeting the developing world. To combat hunger, poverty, and climate change, farmers in The…

+19 More
From  Geoff Fortescue 0 likes 95 plays 0  

HaÌŠvard Melbo Tajet interview

Geno is the breeding organisation of Norwegian Red, the main dairy breed in Norway. It as a farmer cooperative that has been conducting research and development for cattle breeding since 1935. Geno…

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From  Geoff Fortescue 0 likes 64 plays 0  

Santiago Avendaño interview

Aviagen broiler breeders supply day-old grandparent and parent stock chicks to customers in more than 100 countries worldwide under the Arbor Acres, Indian River, and Ross brand names. These brands…

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From  Geoff Fortescue 1 likes 61 plays 0  

Thomas Farrugia interview

Insect farming has a huge potential, both environmentally and economically. Insects, such as the black soldier fly, are an excellent source of protein for feed and a broad range of other resources…

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From  Geoff Fortescue 0 likes 51 plays 0  

Breeding Programme Modelling with AlphaSimR - Trailer for Socials

Sub 1 min version for socials

From  Geoff Fortescue 1 likes 210 plays 0  

Breeding Programme Modelling with AlphaSimR - Trailer

Develop skills to model breeding programmes for livestock, crop, insect and managed wild or captive populations using case studies in AlphaSimR. Enrol now on edX!

From  Geoff Fortescue 2 likes 172 plays 0  

Closing Comments

In this video we will look back over this online course and look at the key topics that we covered and what we have learned throughout your journey on the course.

From  Geoff Fortescue 1 likes 43 plays 0  

Modelling complex breeding programmes

In this video, we now delve more into the structure of real-life breeding programmes, with an example of a wheat breeding programme presented in the Gaynor et al. (2017) study.

From  Geoff Fortescue 1 likes 75 plays 0