Search for tag: "digital experience standards"

Digital Experience Standards User Group Briefing 3

This presentation and Q&A session provided a summary and final review point on the testing and evolution of our pilot Digital Experience Standards. The project’s user group consists of…

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From  Neil Allison 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Digital Experience Standards User Group Briefing 2

This presentation and Q&A session provided a mid-point review with updates on the testing and evolution of our pilot Digital Experience Standards. The project’s user group consists of…

+3 More
From  Neil Allison 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Digital Experience Standards User Group Briefing 1

This presentation and Q&A session introduced the purpose, scope and methodology of a review of human-centred project activities undertaken during 2018/19. The project’s user group consists…

+3 More
From  Neil Allison 0 likes 4 plays 0