Search for tag: "user experience"

Prospective student decision making mapping presentation

Presentation given by Nicola Dobiecka to the University of Edinburgh Marketing Forum 28 Ocober 2021. Delivered online via Microsoft Teams. User research and mapping work undertaken by the Prospective…

From  Neil Allison 0 likes 14 plays 0  

From website management to student-centred digital services

Presentation created by Neil Allison and Lauren Tormey for the Content Ed 2021 online conference. Content Ed is "an annual international conference for communicators, content strategists and…

From  Neil Allison 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Video accompanying poster 'How user feedback shaped hybrid teaching'

A short video to accompany the poster entitled 'How user feedback shaped hybrid teaching', submitted by Emma Horrell as part of the Learning and Teaching conference 2021.

From  Emma Horrell 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Prospective Student Web Content Team intro event presentation

This presentation was given at King's Buildings Campus on 5 December, one of three roadshow sessions to introduce the new Prospective Student Web Content Team. The presentation was given by Head…

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From  Neil Allison 0 likes 119 plays 0  

Digital Experience Standards User Group Briefing 3

This presentation and Q&A session provided a summary and final review point on the testing and evolution of our pilot Digital Experience Standards. The project’s user group consists of…

+4 More
From  Neil Allison 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Digital Experience Standards User Group Briefing 2

This presentation and Q&A session provided a mid-point review with updates on the testing and evolution of our pilot Digital Experience Standards. The project’s user group consists of…

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From  Neil Allison 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Digital Experience Standards User Group Briefing 1

This presentation and Q&A session introduced the purpose, scope and methodology of a review of human-centred project activities undertaken during 2018/19. The project’s user group consists…

+3 More
From  Neil Allison 0 likes 4 plays 0  

UX Showcase intro and Service update

Neil Allison introduces the December 2018 User Experience Service Showcase event. In this talk he emphasises the value of investment in unbiased user requirements gathering, focusing on broader user…

From  Neil Allison 0 likes 19 plays 0  

User Experience Training - Information Services

The User Experience Service at the University of Edinburgh runs training for staff involved in the development and management of digital services. Over the course of three days, colleagues from…

From  Neil Allison 0 likes 38 plays 0  

User Experience (UX) Service Showcase Events

The User Experience Service runs regular showcase events to share how we're helping a wide range of projects and services get closer to their target audiences. Our work is helping colleagues…

From  Tim Gray 0 likes 91 plays 0  

10 - From Blank Page to Electronic Labbook

From Blank Page to Electronic Labbook Turning the University Wiki Into an Electronic Lab Notebook Eilidh Troup Tomasz Zielinski

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From  Nelly Iacobescu 4 likes 143 plays 1  

Why we workshop - Website and Communications, Information Services

Website and Communications offer workshopping services within and beyond the University of Edinburgh. Workshops are a great way to facilitate multidisciplinary collaboration; an essential feature of…

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From  Neil Allison 0 likes 44 plays 0  

Usability Testing Service: 2016 summary & 2017 plans

Achievements of the 2016 pilot Usability Testing Service, and plans for 2017. Presented by UX Manager Neil Allison.

From  Neil Allison 0 likes 57 plays 0