Search for tag: "learningforsustainability"

Supported Partnerships with Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning

There's never been a greater need for educators and learners across the world to collaborate and take action on the big issues that face us. Climate change, health & wellbeing, biodiversity…

From  Kirsten Leask 0 likes 47 plays 0  

Inspiring Learning for a Fairer Future Workshop 1

Inspiring Learning for a Fairer Future – Start the Change Project (Highland One World) Catriona Willis and Rachel Avery Start the Change is a…

From  Betsy King 0 likes 68 plays 0  

Community Action Workshop 1

Learning for a better future through community action - Cara Walkden, Bridge of Don Academy/Aberdeen for a Fairer World and David Somervell, Convenor, Transition Edinburgh …

From  Betsy King 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Storytelling Workshop 1

Storytelling as a key to nature connection, environmental appreciation and regeneration - Jane Mather, freelance storyteller Mixing practice and discussion,…

From  Betsy King 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Learning outside your door Workshop 1

Stepping outside together - learning outside your door- Natalie White, Highland Council and Penny Martin, Outdoor Learning Adviser, Nature Scot Can we work…

From  Betsy King 0 likes 13 plays 0  

LfS Scotland Members' Story Share -2-

Building Learning for Sustainability into Curriculum – Jane Jackson and Yvonne McBlain Falkirk Children’s Services curriculum support officers share their…

From  Betsy King 0 likes 11 plays 0  

AGM Introduction and Overview of Learning for Sustainability in 2020

Building Forward Better: The role of Learning for Sustainability January 12th 2021 Welcome and Overview of Learning for Sustainability in 2020 – Rehema White,…

From  Betsy King 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Prof Arjen Wals: T Learning in Times of Transition towards a Sustainable World

T Learning in Times of Transition Towards a Sustainable World Prof. Arjen Wals Keynote at LfS Scotland AGM 12 January 2021

From  Betsy King 0 likes 268 plays 0  

Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning - introductory webinar 10 December 2020

Hear more about the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme from the partner organisations who deliver the programme in Scotland

From  Kirsten Leask 0 likes 12 plays 0  

How to: Apply for funding

Advice on applying for funding to support your involvement in the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme.

From  Kirsten Leask 0 likes 12 plays 0  

How to: Get free support from your local advisor

Find out more about the free support available to you as part of your involvement in the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme.

From  Kirsten Leask 0 likes 12 plays 0  

How to: Be a Cluster Co-ordinator

Advice on the role of the Cluster Co-ordinator as part of your involvement in the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme.

From  Kirsten Leask 0 likes 9 plays 0  

An introduction to Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning

Find out more about the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme, which offers schools and colleges free support, resources, professional learning and funding to collaborate locally…

From  Kirsten Leask 0 likes 114 plays 0  

How to: Organise a reciprocal visit with your overseas partner school(s)

Advice on organising a reciprocal visit with your overseas partner school as part of your involvement in the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme.

From  Kirsten Leask 0 likes 18 plays 0