Search for tag: "outdoor learning"

STEP Starter Sack idea starters: Growing

The idea starter video series is part of the STEP Starter Sack programme is an exciting new early years initiative bringing play-based learning activities into the homes of Gypsy/Traveller children.…

From  Pauline Duncan 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Place and Education

A video discussion between Vel McCune, Beth Christie and Robbie Nicol about place, outdoor learning and education.

From  Velda McCune 0 likes 67 plays 0  

LfS Scotland Members' Story Share -2-

Building Learning for Sustainability into Curriculum – Jane Jackson and Yvonne McBlain Falkirk Children’s Services curriculum support officers share their…

From  Betsy King 0 likes 11 plays 0  

LfS Scotland Members' Story Share -1-

Out to Play by Eco Drama Emily Reid shares some of the highlights and impacts of the Out to Play project, delivered in 27 schools and nurseries since 2015, reaching over 5,000…

From  Betsy King 0 likes 27 plays 0