Search for tag: "ophthalmology"

Nurses Clinical Club - 27th November 2024 - Kelly Cadman

Nurses Clinical Club - 27th November 2024 - Kelly Cadman - The 'Eyes' and Lows of Providing 'Spectocular' Ophthalmology Patient Care

From  Laura Wardrop 0 likes 16 plays 0  

MedOne Ophthalmology demo 21 January 2021

You have access, via the University of Edinburgh Library, to a collection of specialist Ophthalmology postgraduate learning resources from the publisher, Thieme, The webinar introduces the…

From  Marshall Dozier 2 likes 45 plays 0  

Yin Mon Aung - ChM Clinical Ophthalmology testimonial 2021_UoE

On the occasion of her graduation, on 8th December 2021, Yin Mon Aung reflects on the reasons that led her to chose to study her ChM Clinical Ophthalmology online, and explains how it has helped her…

From  Africa Reboto-Lopez 0 likes 145 plays 0  

Corneal ulcers - why don't they heal recording 29.04.20

R(D)SVS Clinical Club 29.04.2020 Ben Blacklock discussing corneal ulcers

From  Benjamin Blacklock 0 likes 185 plays 0  

Fábio - ChM Clinical Ophthalmology - Winter Graduation 2019

Fábio discusses his experience of studying online for the ChM Clinical Ophthalmology. For more information on this particular programme, visit:…

From  Mabon Elis 0 likes 82 plays 0  

Alastair Bezzina ChM Testimonial Dec17

A testimonial by Dr Alastair Bezzina a graduate of the ChM in Clinical Ophthalmology 2017.

+20 More
From  Paul Melone 0 likes 182 plays 0