Search for tag: "zotero"

Reference managers (Historical Research: Skills & Sources)

This video for students on the Historical…

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From  Caroline Stirling 0 likes 15 plays 0  

DE Discussions: Zotero

A recording of a session for the MSc in Digital…

+21 More
From  Janja Komljenovic 0 likes 44 plays 0  

Managing Your References Using Zotero

Zotero is a popular free open-source reference…

+8 More
From  Angela Nicholson 0 likes 874 plays 0  

(IAD-PGR) Finding Academic Literature (Science&Engineering)

This provides a brief introduction to resources…

From  Angela Nicholson 0 likes 34 plays

Zotero in Word - Footnote citations

A short video demonstrating how you can use…

+6 More
From  Caroline Stirling 0 likes 187 plays 0  

Using reference managers and avoiding plagiarism (MSc Critical Care)

This session covered Good practice in academic…

From  Marshall Dozier 0 likes 72 plays 0  

Citoid performance for news article citations on Wikipedia - Andrew Lih and Robert Fernandez (WikiCite 2017)

Citoid performance for news article citations…

+13 More
From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Citoid (the box on Wikipedia that resolves citations): State of the art and Wikidata integration - Katie Filbert, James Forrester

Citoid: runs the box on Wikipedia that resolves…

+17 More
From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 21 plays 0