Search for tag: "zotero"

Reference managers (Historical Research: Skills & Sources)

This video for students on the Historical Research: Skills & Sources (online) course introduces you to two of the popular reference managers currently in use at the University: EndNote and…

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From  Caroline Stirling 0 likes 14 plays 0  

DE Discussions: Zotero

A recording of a session for the MSc in Digital Education programme on using Zotero for research and teaching.

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From  Janja Komljenovic 0 likes 43 plays 0  

Managing Your References Using Zotero

Zotero is a popular free open-source reference management tool that can help you stay in control of your references and create citations automatically.This video will guide you through adding…

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From  Angela Nicholson 0 likes 826 plays 0  

(IAD-PGR) Finding Academic Literature (Science&Engineering)

This provides a brief introduction to resources and services available from the Library and will focus on how to search using bibliographic databases. The main purpose of the session is to help you…

From  Angela Nicholson 0 likes 32 plays

Zotero in Word - Footnote citations

A short video demonstrating how you can use Zotero to insert footnotes in Word, using Chicago (footnotes) style.

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From  Caroline Stirling 0 likes 186 plays 0  

Using reference managers and avoiding plagiarism (MSc Critical Care)

This session covered Good practice in academic writing when using others' works, and where to go for more information about avoiding plagiarism. What needs to be cited in your work. How to…

From  Marshall Dozier 0 likes 71 plays 0  

Citoid performance for news article citations on Wikipedia - Andrew Lih and Robert Fernandez (WikiCite 2017)

Citoid performance for news article citations (Andrew Lih and Robert Fernandez), Presentation: -…

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From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Citoid (the box on Wikipedia that resolves citations): State of the art and Wikidata integration - Katie Filbert, James Forrester

Citoid: runs the box on Wikipedia that resolves citations - currently can resolve PMID/PMCID, DOI, ISBN, URL - via Zotero, CrossRef (DOIs), WorldCat (ISBN: added recently) URL (web page) scraping:…

+17 More
From  Ewan McAndrew 0 likes 21 plays 0