Search for tag: "circuit"

Ideals, determinants, and straightening - Robert Andrews

Mathematical Approaches to Lower Bounds: Complexity of Proofs and Computation Ideals, determinants, and straightening by Robert Andrews, University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Lower bounds for symmetric arithmetic circuits - Anuj Dawar

Mathematical Approaches to Lower Bounds: Complexity of Proofs and Computation Lower bounds for symmetric arithmetic circuits by Anuj Dawar, University of Cambridge

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Lifting Theorems: A Survey - Robert Robere

Mathematical Approaches to Lower Bounds: Complexity of Proofs and Computation

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 13 plays 0  

The minimum circuit size problem is hard for sum of squares - Kilian Risse

Mathematical Approaches to Lower Bounds: Complexity of Proofs and Computation The minimum circuit size problem is hard for sum of squares KTH Royal Institute of Technology Kilian Risse

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 13 plays 0  

On the range avoidance problem for circuits - Hanlin Ren

Mathematical Approaches to Lower Bounds: Complexity of Proofs and Computation On the range avoidance problem for circuits University of Oxford Hanlin Ren

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Learning from equivalence queries and unprovability of circuit upper bounds - Igor Oliveira

Mathematical Approaches to Lower Bounds: Complexity of Proofs and Computation Learning from equivalence queries and unprovability of circuit upper bounds University of Warwick Igor Oliveira

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Survey on meta complexity - Rahul Santhanam

Mathematical Approaches to Lower Bounds: Complexity of Proofs and Computation Survey on meta complexity Oxford University Rahul Santhanam

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Connections between total search and lower bounds - Oliver Korten

Mathematical Approaches to Lower Bounds: Complexity of Proofs and Computation Connections between total search and lower bounds Columbia university, US Oliver Korten

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 15 plays 0  

TFNP Collapses, separations, and characterization - Mika Goos

Mathematical Approaches to Lower Bounds: Complexity of Proofs and Computation TFNP: Collapses, separations, and characterization EPFL Swisserland Mika Goos

From  Iain Cms 0 likes 9 plays 0  

LAGOON: Marcy Robertson (Melbourne, Australia)

Subtitles will be added soon. Thursday 25 November 2021 Marcy Robertson (Melbourne, Australia) A topological characterization of the Kashiwara-Vergne groups

From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 17 plays 0  

GAGTA 14 Markus Lohrey

7-11 June 2021, GAGTA 14 2021 Markus Lohrey Groups with hard compressed word problems This recording is in the process of being subtitled. Subtitles will be available in due course.

From  Anna Munro 0 likes 25 plays 0  

Lecture 3 Group 2

Recording of Lecture 3, group 2.

From  Wasiu Popoola 0 likes 328 plays 0  

CL - 22 - Tseytin Satisfaction DPLL


From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 108 plays 0  

CL - 14a - Tseytin Week 9

In the second video, we show how the Tesytin procedure can be implemented elegantly in Haskell.

From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 299 plays 0  

CL - 11d - Tseytin

Description Pending

From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 314 plays 0  

Lecture 5 Networks

Gareth Harrison describes the network connection aspect of the project and offers advice on approaching this effectively.

From  Gareth Harrison 0 likes 93 plays 0