Search for tag: "complexes"

LAGOON: Alberto Canonaco (Pavia, Italy)

Subtitles will be added soon. 03 February Alberto Canonaco (Pavia, Italy): Dg enhancements of triangulated categories and their uniqueness

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From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 97 plays 0  

Stable moduli spaces of hermitian forms - Wolfgang Steimle

Stable moduli spaces of hermitian forms Wolfgang Steimle (Universität Augsburg) Manifolds and K-theory: the legacy of Andrew Ranicki online workshop 21 - 25 Jun 2021 To remove the captions from…

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From  GILLIAN KERR 0 likes 39 plays 0  

LAGOON: Leicester Algebra and Geometry Open ONline: Alexandra Zvonareva (Stuttgart, German)

Subtitles will appear soon. 11 March Alexandra Zvonareva (Stuttgart, German) - Derived equivalence classification of Brauer graph algebras

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From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 65 plays 0  

LAGOON: Leicester Algebra and Geometry Open ONline - Paolo Stellari (Milano, Italy)

Subtitles are automatically added to videos. These will be available shortly. Thursday 18 February 2021 Paolo Stellari (Milano, Italy): Uniqueness of enhancements for derived and geometric…

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From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 100 plays 0  

IMA, LMS Joint Meeting: Topological methods in Data Science (1-2 October 2020)

An automated programme is used to generate the subtitles on this talk. You can remove the subtitles by pressing CC on the bottom toolbar. Ulrike Tilmann (Oxford) - Homology of random geometric…

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From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 32 plays 0