Search for tag: "experimental film"

6075 N.2-N.5 Test Run 60 seconds

Time lapse film, with running clock, showing an experiment on the growth of a sample of cells/ bacteria. Created as part of the work by the Research Film Unit of the Institute of Animal Genetics,…

From  Rachel Hosker 1 likes 42 plays 0  

6085 Kaleidoscope 2

Experiment with Kaleidoscope filming techniques. In colour. Created as part of the work by the Research Film Unit of the Institute of Animal Genetics, University of Edinburgh by Eric Lucey.…

From  Rachel Hosker 0 likes 71 plays 0  

6131 Time Lapse of Sky, Flowers, Princes Street and Lothian Road

Time lapse film of sky over a rural environment followed by one of flowers unfurling and closing (possibly cherry blossom). This is then followed by a few seconds of activity on the corner of…

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From  Rachel Hosker 0 likes 201 plays 0  

6086 Walnut Smash

Slow motion film, shot in the negative of a walnut being smashed by a hammer. This film was created by film in research pioneer Eric Lucey as part of his work with the Research Film Unit of the…

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From  Rachel Hosker 3 likes 203 plays 0