Search for tag: "flowers"

South Morningside Primary - Part 1

Pupils discuss and anticipate what will happen in a book they are reading.

From  Nelly Iacobescu 0 likes 46 plays 0  

EEA 2021 - Analysis of Variance

Lecture on analysis of variance and parametric equivalents

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From  Kyle Dexter 0 likes 92 plays 0  

10.1c Women, Textiles and Nature

In this video, we consider how understanding art differently can allow us to delve into the creative lives of women in the past. Needlework was an area that was increasingly associated with women…

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From  Jill Burke 0 likes 232 plays 0  

How I write visual analysis

Art historian, Jill Burke, considers how to write a visual analysis of a still life painting by the Dutch early seventeenth-century artist, Clara Peeters. For a written version of this talk, see…

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From  Jill Burke 1 likes 504 plays 0  

CL - Lecture 3d - Using Venn Diagrams to show a Syllogism is Sound

Given a syllogistic rule, how do we show that it is sound? Here we show that using Venn diagrams.

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From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 478 plays 0  

Biology Lesson with Chris Craig, Dalkeith High School

Biology Lesson with Chris Craig, Dalkeith High School

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From  Steph Donneadieu 0 likes 222 plays 0  

6131 Time Lapse of Sky, Flowers, Princes Street and Lothian Road

Time lapse film of sky over a rural environment followed by one of flowers unfurling and closing (possibly cherry blossom). This is then followed by a few seconds of activity on the corner of…

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From  Rachel Hosker 0 likes 204 plays 0