Search for tag: "idcom"

Reliable Detection and Characterisation of Dim Targets Via Track-Before-Detect - Kimin Kim

University Defence Research Collaboration Edinburgh Consortium Demo video presented by Kimin Kim. Edited and Produced by Vivid Science Productions.

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From  Joseph William Burchell 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Computational Offloading in Absence of Cloud and Fog - Saurav Sthapit

University Defence Research Collaboration Edinburgh Consortium Demo video presented by Saurav Sthapit. Edited and Produced by Vivid Science Productions.

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From  Joseph William Burchell 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Joint Sensor Registration and Fusion - David Cormack

University Defence Research Collaboration Edinburgh Consortium Demo video presented by David Cormack. Edited and Produced by Vivid Science Productions.

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From  Joseph William Burchell 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Sparsity Model and Compressed Sensing for Defence Sensing and Imaging - Dr. Mehrdad Yaghoobi.

University Defence Research Collaboration Edinburgh Consortium Demo video presented by Dr. Mehrdad Yaghoobi. Edited and Produced by Vivid Science Productions.

From  Joseph William Burchell 0 likes 21 plays 0  

Scalable self-calibration in network of sensors - Dr Murat Uney

University Defence Research Collaboration Edinburgh Consortium Demo video presented by Dr. Murat Uney. Edited and Produced by Vivid Science Productions

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From  Joseph William Burchell 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Sparsity Driven SAR/GMTI - Di Wu

University Defence Research Collaboration Edinburgh Consortium Demo video presented by Di Wu. Edited and Produced by Vivid Science Productions

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From  Joseph William Burchell 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Node sampling by partitioning on graphs via convex optimisation - Prof. John Thompson

University Defence Research Collaboration Edinburgh Consortium Demo video presented by Professor John Thompson. Edited and Produced by Vivid Science Productions

From  Joseph William Burchell 0 likes 9 plays 0  

John Thompson: Green radio overview

In this video John gives an overview of the Green Radio research project which studies new approaches to save energy in future wireless and mobile phone networks. Background: Recent…

From  Billy Rosendale 0 likes 41 plays 0  

Les Haworth: Teaching chips

In this video Les describes how the teaching chips provide a unique resource to make the complexity of modern integrated circuits accessible to novices in a unique and novel package. …

From  Billy Rosendale 0 likes 369 plays 0