Search for tag: "literature"

AI tools for searching and sifting the literature

This session will support you to: Understand what generative AI tools are, their pros and cons, and how to use them to support academic work. Use AI tools designed to search for…

From  Anna Richards 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Using GenAI to Improve Your Literature Searching Skills

This session will introduce you to the basics of using generative AI to help with conducting a literature search, including generating search terms and finding research papers. It will cover the pros…

From  Ishbel Leggat 0 likes 14 plays

Introduction to the Library and literature searching (MSc Digital Education)

An introduction to the Library for MSc Digital Education students. Presentation slides available to download in attachments section below.

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From  Ishbel Leggat 0 likes 11 plays

Using PRISMA for reporting your systematic review search methods

7th November 2024. This session will introduce the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement and its extensions for use in transparent reporting of…

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From  Ruth Jenkins 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Introduction to finding and accessing patents literature (Library Bitesize 2024)

Patents can be a unique and invaluable source of information on new technologies. This session provides a half-hour overview of finding and accessing patent literature.

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From  Anna Richards 0 likes 1 plays 0  

AI Tools for Literature Searching (Dissertation and Thesis Festival)

This presentation introduces the basics of using AI tools to help with conducting a literature search, including getting recommendations of useful databases and journals, developing effective search…

From  Ishbel Leggat 0 likes 7 plays

Library Bitesize: Introduction to Embase

This session is an introduction to searching for literature on Embase using the Ovid interface. Embase is a major pharmacological and biomedical literature database with records from more than 8,500…

From  Marshall Dozier 0 likes 37 plays 0  

Inaugural Lecture of Professor Alex Thomson - Constructing Scotland: Devolution and Cultural History

Contemporary Scottish cultural debate has been significantly shaped by socioeconomic and political changes, and artistic and intellectual realignments, which occurred during the last two decades of…

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From  John Glendinning 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Inaugural Lecture: Professor Naomi Appleton

Professor Naomi Appleton (Professor of Buddhist Studies and Indian Religions) delivers her Inaugural Lecture 'What are Stories For? Answers from the Buddha and Beyond'. To find out more…

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From  Rory Dunlop 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Library Bitesize: Preliminary searches for systematic review projects

Systematic reviews need good preliminary groundwork searches, in advance of the setting off on the review proper. This session will address the reasons for preliminary searches and introduce…

From  Marshall Dozier 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Activist Social Research Week 3

An overview of research design requirements for Activist Social Research

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From  Sarah Ward 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Using ELM to recommend academic databases

A short tutorial video about how to use the University of Edinburgh’s internal AI tool, ELM, to recommend academic databases. This video may be particularly useful if you are new to studying…

From  Robert O'Brien 0 likes 40 plays

Using ELM to recommend scholarly journals

A short tutorial video about how to use the University of Edinburgh’s internal AI tool, ELM, to recommend scholarly journals. If you're new to your academic field and looking for…

From  Robert O'Brien 0 likes 50 plays

Using generative AI to improve your search strategy

This video outlines how to use generative AI chatbots to improve your search strategy

From  Anna Richards 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Finding scholarly literature by authors from specific countries

A short tutorial video about how to use the Web of Science database to find literature by authors from specific countries. This activity can support students aiming to increase the diversity of…

From  Robert O'Brien 0 likes 45 plays

Overview of MSc Taught Programmes at the University of Edinburgh - School of Informatics

In this recording you can hear about our School, your degree programme structure, course selection and dissertation from our Director of Learning and Teaching, Bjorn Franke.

From  Informatics at Edinburgh 0 likes 131 plays 0