Search for tag: "systematic reviews"

UNCOVER workshop: Synthesising quantitative evidence when meta-analysis is not possible

Presenter: Dr Ruth McQuillan When we learn to do a systematic review, we often spend a lot of time on the first half of the process – designing a really good search strategy, coming up with…

From  Marshall Dozier 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Library Bitesize: Preliminary searches for systematic review projects

Systematic reviews need good preliminary groundwork searches, in advance of the setting off on the review proper. This session will address the reasons for preliminary searches and introduce…

From  Marshall Dozier 0 likes 33 plays 0  

5. Collecting Data from Studies 2024

Pre-recorded video from Tessa Strain presenting the topic "Collecting Data from Studies" for the Planning and Conducting a Systematic Review Course (Nov 2024).

From  Tessa Strain 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Library Bitesize: Using PRISMA ​ for reporting your systematic review search methods

This recorded Library Bitesize will introduce the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement and its extensions for use in transparent reporting of…

+21 More
From  Ruth Jenkins 1 likes 27 plays 0  

Library Bitesize: Searching grey literature for reviews and evidence synthesis

This session provides an overview of grey literature sources and some aspects to consider while integrating grey literature in your evidence synthesis or literature review. We demonstrate a practical…

From  Ruth Jenkins 1 likes 30 plays 0  

Qualitative Evidence Synthesis - Approaches for synthesising results of qualitative studies

Presenter: Dr Janet Perkins Description: Qualitative research is increasingly recognised as valuable knowledge for health policy and decision-making, but it requires appropriate handling…

From  Marshall Dozier 1 likes 30 plays 0  

Library Bitesize: Translating literature search strategies across multiple databases

Recording of Library Bitesize: Translating literature search strategies across multiple databases, 26/04/2024 Please note, the very start of this session was not captured by the recording. As such,…

From  Ruth Jenkins 1 likes 28 plays 0  

Expert searches for systematic reviews - databases via Ovid (Dissertation and Thesis Festival)

Presenter: Rani Darbar (Wolters Kluwer) This webinar covers intermediate and advanced search techniques for literature databases available via the Ovid platform, such as Medline, Embase, PsycInfo,…

From  Marshall Dozier 0 likes 12 plays 0  

24-25 Tutorial for plots in Revman Web

Short video tutorial on how to use Revman web to create Forest plots Links: Access RevMan Web: Registration guide to access via UoE subscription:…

From  Thomas Craven 0 likes 126 plays 0  

Drug-related content in Embase: Getting the best from Embase (Dissertation and Thesis Festival)

Presenter: Yvonne van de Vrede (Wolters Kluwer) This webinar addresses how to make the most of Embase on the Ovid platform, especially for comprehensive searches needed in systematic or scoping…

+22 More
From  Marshall Dozier 0 likes 9 plays 0  

UNCOVER Workshop: building searches in different databases

This workshop includes presentation and discussion. In the presentation, we cover: the two main types of search structures (set searching and paragraph searching) and how to decide…

From  Marshall Dozier 0 likes 15 plays 0  

9 - Reporting & Publishing

Pre-recorded video from Dave Saunders presenting the topic "Reporting & Publishing" for the Planning and Conducting a Systematic review Course (Oct 2023)

From  David Saunders 0 likes 18 plays 0  

4. Screening & Selecting studies

Pre-recorded video from Sarah Morton presenting the topic "Screening & Selecting studies" for the Planning and Conducting a Systematic review Course (Oct 2023)

From  Susie Fong 0 likes 45 plays 0  

SR course 8c - Tools for narrative synthesis

sr course

From  Ruth McQuillan 0 likes 17 plays 0  

SR course 8b - What is narrative synthesis

sr course

From  Ruth McQuillan 0 likes 28 plays 0  

SR course 8a - Deciding on synthesis method

sr course

From  Ruth McQuillan 0 likes 10 plays 0