Search for tag: "mfa"

Using an EIDF VM: Episode 3

Episode 3 in the Edinburgh International Data Facility video tutorial series on how to use an EIDF-hosted VM. This episode covers how to navigate a project dashboard on the EIDF Portal.

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From  Sam Haynes 0 likes 11 plays 0  

SSH-ing into an EIDF VM: Episode 4

Episode 4 in the Edinburgh International Data Facility video tutorial series on how to set up an SSH connection to an EIDF-hosted VM. This episode covers how to register a multi-factor authenticator…

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From  Sam Haynes 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Ghost Ships

What motivates a captain to sacrifice his own men and purposely sink his own ships? Slipping below the waves of Scapa Flow, descending deeper and deeper into the darkness, reveals the eerie and alien…

From  s1965281 0 likes 1 plays 0  

MFA2 Illustration Pecha Kucha : Gary Anderson, Linong Ding, Emmaline Nelsen, Julia Vohl, He Zhu, Jiaqi Shao, Susannah Oliver…

From  Michael Windle 0 likes 66 plays 0  

CL - 15c - Introducing ε-transitions

We introduce NFA - automata with ε-transitions

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From  Haoran Peng 0 likes 280 plays 0