Search for tag: "neil thin"

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK3 - Mobile EEG Headsets: an aid to emotion tracking

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK3 - Mobile EEG Headsets: an aid to emotion tracking

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK1 - Positivity & The OK Line

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK1 - Positivity & The OK Line

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 48 plays 0  

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK1 - Integrative Approaches to Wellbeing Podcast

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK1 - Integrative Approaches to Wellbeing Podcast

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Social wellbeing: the global happiness epidemic with Dr Neil Thin

Dr Neil Thin proposes the theory that we are living in a uniquely happy time, but so much more needs to be done if societies around the world are to experience meaningful standards of living. …

+4 More
From  Sarah Ford-Hutchinson 1 likes 111 plays 0  

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK2 - Social Wellbeing & Aspirational Social Planning

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK2 - Social Wellbeing & Aspirational Social Planning

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK2 - Community Gardening for Health Mental Health & Conviviality

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK2 - Community Gardening for Health Mental Health & Conviviality

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK2 - Wellbeing & Consumption Habits

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK2 - Wellbeing & Consumption Habits

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK2 - Introduction to Week 2

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK2 - Introduction to Week 2

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK1 - Empathy & Subjectivity in Planning

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK1 - Empathy & Subjectivity in Planning

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK1 - Introducing the Wellbeing Lens

Social Wellbeing MOOC WK1 - Introducing the Wellbeing Lens

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Social Wellbeing MOOC - Welcome to the Course

Social Wellbeing MOOC - Welcome to the Course

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Social Wellbeing MOOC - Promo

Social Wellbeing MOOC - Promo

From  Rachael Mfoafo 0 likes 52 plays 0