Search for tag: "public lectures"

Jack Carr Inaugural Lecture: Ngô Bảo Châu on the functional equation of automorphic L-functions

ICMS and the Jack Carr Fund are delighted to…

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From  Lauren Hockenhull 0 likes 35 plays 0  

Preterm birth: Can we do better?

Speakers Sarah Stock, MRC Centre for Reproductive…

From  Peter Crooks 0 likes 103 plays 0  

Prof. Peter Sandercock - Unravelling the Mystery of Stroke Disease - The Clue's in the Numbers...

Professor Peter Sandercock, Personal Chair in…

From  Rebecca Devon 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Inaugural Lecture: Prof. Malcolm Macleod - Rigour Mortis: How Bad Research is Killing Science

Professor Malcolm Macleod, Personal Chair in…

From  Rebecca Devon 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Saving Brains: Developing Effective Treatments for Stroke

Wednesday 11th December 2013 Speakers:…

From  Rebecca Devon 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Epilepsy: is the genetic revolution friend or foe?

Wednesday 15th March 2017In this lecture Dr…

From  Jillian Hosie 0 likes 140 plays 0  

The first 1000 days. How stressful events before and shortly after birth can shape the rest of your life.

Wednesday 18th January 2017 Did you know that…

From  Jillian Hosie 0 likes 80 plays 0