Search for tag: "vibration"

Command & Control: Sensory impairment

Command and Control: Sensory impairment

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From  Suvankar Pal 0 likes 872 plays 0  

A Homotopy Theoretic Analogue to Wall's Theorem - Sebastian Chenery

Classifying spaces in homotopy theory: in honour of Ran Levi's 60th BirthdaySebastian Chenery, University of Southampton

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From  Greg McCracken 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Twisted homology and homotopy - Jie Wu

Classifying spaces in homotopy theory: in honour of Ran Levi's 60th BirthdayJie Wu, BIMSA

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From  Greg McCracken 0 likes 17 plays 0  

LAGOON: Leicester Algebra and Geometry Open ONline - Giulia Saccà (Columbia University, USA)

Subtitles are automatically uploaded to the video, these will be corrected shortly. Please click "cc" to turn subtitles off. Giulia Saccà (Columbia University, USA): Hodge numbers…

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From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 85 plays 0  

LAGOON: Leicester Algebra and Geometry Open ONline - Ailsa Keating (Cambridge, UK)

An automated programme is used to generate the subtitles on this talk. You can remove the subtitles by pressing CC on the bottom toolbar. Ailsa Keating (Cambridge, UK) Homological mirror symmetry…

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From  Liam Holligan 0 likes 142 plays 0