Search for tag: "amplitudes"

Amplitudes Seminar: Chris White 'The case of the missing solutions: a biadjoint mystery'

Chris White (QMUL) A correspondence called the double copy relates quantities in gauge and gravity theories, as well as a novel scalar theory with two types of colour charge (“biadjoint…

From  Ines Foidl 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Ana-Maria Raclariu - Shadow momenta and new constraints on celestial amplitudes (Celestial Sphere: holography, CFT and amplitudes)

Ana-Maria Raclariu - Shadow momenta and new constraints on celestial amplitudes (Celestial Sphere: holography, CFT and amplitudes)

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Stephan Stieberger - Celestial Gluon Amplitudes: Single-valued Correlators and Conformal Blocks (Celestial Sphere: holography, CFT and amplitudes)

Stephan Stieberger - Celestial Gluon Amplitudes: Single-valued Correlators and Conformal Blocks (Celestial Sphere: holography, CFT and amplitudes)

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 43 plays 0  

Research in Edinburgh Prof. Donal O'Connell

Quantum methods and Classical Gravity - short talk by Prof Donal O'Connell about some research that our academic team are currently involved in.

From  Ala Ross 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Scattering amplitudes from derived categories and cluster categories - Severin Barmeier

LAGOON: Leicester Algebra and Geometry Open ONline Severin Barmeier, Freiburg, Germany Scattering amplitudes from derived categories and cluster categories 22 April 2021 To remove the captions from…

From  GILLIAN KERR 0 likes 86 plays 0  

Modelling of acoustic wave propagation in realistic ocean environment

UDRC Themed Meeting on Signal Processing in the Underwater Environment by Sourav Sahoo, National Oceanography Centre (NOC)

From  Maddy McBeath 0 likes 27 plays 0  

REF2020: Giulio Falcioni- Three-Reggeon ladders and four-loop amplitudes in the high-energy limit

REF2020: Giulio Falcioni- Three-Reggeon ladders and four-loop amplitudes in the high-energy limit

From  Lyndsey Ballantyne 0 likes 14 plays 0