Search for tag: "converaceions"

ConveRACEions with EUSA Liberation Officers

This is a recording of a ConveRACEions event with EUSA Liberation Officers: Samantha Likonde, Jaime Llorente Prada and Mukai Chigumba. The EUSA Liberation Officers presented on the topic:…

From  Rowena Piers 0 likes 14 plays 0  

ConveRACEions with Dr Ibtihal Ramadan

This is a recording of a ConveRACEions session, with Dr Ibtihal Ramadan, which took place on March 31st 2022. The talk was titled: "Epistemic Racism in UK Academia in the Age of Islamophobia:…

From  Rowena Piers 0 likes 18 plays 0  

ConveRACEions with Dr Ashlee Christoffersen

Recording of ConveRACEions with Dr Ashlee Christoffersen, presenting her talk: "Applying intersectionality in research, policy and practice" which took place on Thursday September 30th 2021.

From  Rowena Piers 0 likes 57 plays 0  

ConveRACEions with rashné limki and colleagues

ConveRACEions with rashné limki, Mini Chandran Kurian, Amira Rahmat & Mally Smith: "Decolonising the Curriculum"

From  Rowena Piers 0 likes 47 plays 0  

ConveRACEions with Barbara Becnel

Recording of the ConveRACEions event on January 28th, with our invited speaker, Barbara Becnel, on the topic: "Speaking out about race, insurrection and the police: Will you listen now?"

From  Rowena Piers 0 likes 31 plays 0