35:13duration 35 minutes 13 seconds
Michael Tang - Discrete to continuous: Joints to…
Michael Tang - Discrete to continuous: Joints to multilinear Kakeya
A Young Researchers Symposium in Harmonic Analysis Michael Tang, Maxwell Institute (University of Edinburgh) 24 June 2022
40:51duration 40 minutes 51 seconds
Variation bounds for spherical means and sparse…
Variation bounds for spherical means and sparse domination - Andreas Seeger
Fourier Analysis @ 200 Variation bounds for spherical means and sparse domination Andreas Seeger, University of Wisconsin–Madison 30 June 2022
36:07duration 36 minutes 7 seconds
Some small progress on the Mizohata-Takeuchi…
Some small progress on the Mizohata-Takeuchi conjecture - Marina Iliopoulou
Fourier Analysis @ 200 Some small progress on the Mizohata-Takeuchi conjecture Marina Iliopoulou, University of Birmingham 27 June 2022